Titration Study

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Titration Study

When a sleep-related breathing problem is detected, a titration study becomes essential for effective treatment. This test aims to determine the optimal airflow rate required to address the breathing disorder, especially in cases of sleep apnea.

At Sleep Study at Home, we conduct titration studies to provide tailored solutions to our patients in Delhi NCR. During the study, patients wear a comfortable mask or nasal inserts around the nose and mouth. A CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine is utilized to administer the required air pressure through the mask. Gradually, the pressure is adjusted until breathing and sleep patterns normalize.

Our expert team ensures that the titration test is conducted with utmost precision and care, maximizing its effectiveness in treating sleep-related breathing issues. If you or your loved ones require a titration study for better sleep health, trust Sleep Study at Home to provide top-notch services in the comfort of your own home.